Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Fettuccine Alfredo Pasta

When I first started the blog, I created a poll asking you guys what recipe I should transform into a budget-friendly alternative.

The poll is finally closed and the votes are in!

As the title suggests, the recipe I will be converting is Fettuccine Alfredo Pasta.

Now funny enough, I am not really a flour person... I can literally go for months without craving bread or roti (I know, I know. Don't judge me 🙈)

But my love for pasta is unfaltering and irrevocable. No matter what diet I decide to try, I just can't cut it out. That means in my heart, I really wanted this recipe to win the most votes because I could eat my favorite dish! You know, for recipe testing purposes 😂

ALFREDO FACT: Fettuccine Alfredo was created by Alfredo Di Lelio, a restaurateur in Rome, in the 20th Century. The story goes that he created the dish to appease his pregnant wife's appetite. Traditionally, the sauce is made only with butter and parmesan cheese however when it was imported to America, heavy cream became an addition to the recipe. 

In this budget-friendly recipe, parmesan cheese will be substituted with our local New Zealand cheddar cheese and heavy cream with evaporated milk and cornstarch.

The recipe is as follows:
- 1/2 pack of Fettuccine pasta
- 1/2 cup grated cheddar cheese
- 1/2 cup evaporated milk
- 1 tsp cornstarch
- 3 tbsp butter
- salt and pepper to taste
- crushed red pepper flakes (optional)
- finely minced garlic clove or garlic powder (optional)
- sprinkle of dried parsley
Cornstarch not pictured

Boil pasta according to package instructions making sure to salt the water properly and I usually add a small drizzle of vegetable oil to ensure it does not stick.
*If the pot you are using to boil your pasta is too small to fit the noodles straight across without breaking it, then bundle the noodles and hold one end while stirring the other end in the boiling water until softened enough to bend and fit into the pot. 

When pasta is done, reserve 1/2 cup of pasta water and drain the noodles.

In a small cup, whisk cornstarch into the evaporated milk and place in a large saucepan on low heat. Add butter, cheese and optional flavorings. Whisk or stir until the butter and cheese is melted and sauce begins to simmer.

Add noodles and 1/4 of the pasta water into sauce and stir until sauce thickens, making sure to never allow the sauce to boil. (The milk may curdle if it boils vigorously)

Add the remaining pasta water to achieve desired thickness and consistency. Salt and pepper to taste.

Serve immediately and garnish with dried parsley!

As a treat, I had this pasta for lunch with grilled steak and homemade onion rings (which I will post a recipe on in the future 😊)

Happy Eating!


  1. THIS LOOKS SOOOO GOOOODDDDD!!!! Where can I get a sample? I want to eat it!

    1. I am definitely planning to bring some samples soon! But you know you like Cholesterol so will have to make this with heavy cream for you! :D

  2. Looks so delicious. I will definitely try this for my date night :)

    1. So happy to hear!! Please let me know how it turns out :D

  3. This looks great!I'm gonna try it soon!

  4. Pasta is my absolute favorite !!! this recipe can also be used with different types of pasta. I tried it with a whole wheat spaghetti . It was amazing !


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