About Me

Hi guys!

Thank you so much for checking out my new blog. In case you were wondering what this blog is about, let me start by telling you a little about myself.

I am the current owner of my own dessert/ baking business called Julicious Desserts. I am from Trinidad and Tobago and you can find all of my items, information and pictures on Facebook and Instagram using the handle @juliciousdesserts.

I am an avid foodie and currently pursuing my Masters in Business Administration. One of the requirements of my courses is to create a blog, posting interesting content that engages with the audience i.e YOU 😉.

Therefore, I decided to combine my love for food, baking and writing to create this blog!

In the current economic climate, everyone is looking for economical and affordable ways to satisfy their cravings. My hope is to provide easy, budget-friendly recipes, ideas, DIY projects, tips and tricks (maybe even suggest a few places) for everyone to enjoy.

So sit back, enjoy, try a few recipes, drop some comments/ suggestions, share and most importantly save some money as we embark on a journey of Cheap Cravings and Budget Baking! :)

Make sure to click the little "Notify Me" box whenever you do comment so you can see my replies!

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Small Batch Salted Caramel Sauce