Monday, July 17, 2017

5 recipes using Rotisserie Chicken Part 1

A second poll has come to a close and results are in for a post creating 5 recipes out of 1 Rotisserie Chicken!

This post will be split into 2 parts so I can properly discuss each meal in detail without the write-up being unbearable long.

As a student and even now, I really enjoy Rotisserie Chicken (henceforth known as R.C).
It was my go-to purchase at the grocery store when I was not feeling to cook for that week or wanted something easy to meal-prep with.
As a result of my love and frequent purchase for R.C, my creativity was really tested to find many different ways of using it in my meals without getting bored.

While we will only be discussing 5 recipes, the possibilities and usage of R.C are simply endless!!

How To Separate Your Chicken Into Parts

The first step is to take your R.C and cut it into the respective parts. This is really important if you want to get 5 meals out of 1 chicken.
The parts you should have are 2 Thighs, 2 Side Breast, 2 Drumsticks, 2 Wings, 2 Drumettes and the Back/ Neck.

Disclaimer: Most of these meals will be geared to feed 1 to 2 persons.

Meal #1

Leftover Rotisserie Chicken Soup

You will need:
- 1 pack Maggie Soup Base
- Leftover meat from Back, Neck and 1/2 breast of R.C, including bones
- 1 large onion, chopped
- 2 cloves garlic, minced
- 3 carrots, peeled and chopped
- 2 potatoes, peeled and chopped
- any other vegetable of choice
- 2 tbsp butter/ oil
- Salt and pepper to taste
- Hot pepper (optional)
- Water


In a large pot, saute vegetables and any scraps of chicken in butter/ oil until vegetables have softened and chicken becomes brown.

After sauteing,  add in Maggie Soup base and water to create enough liquid to your liking.

Bring to a boil and simmer for about 30 minutes to an hour for the flavours to develop.

Add salt and pepper to taste and any other seasonings of choice such as parsley, green onions and shadon beni.

Serve hot!

Meal #2

Sesame Noodles and Honey Garlic Chicken

You will need: 

For the noodles- 
- 1/2 pack Lo Mein/ Ramen Noodles, boiled and drained
- 1/4 cup Soy Sauce
- 2 tbsp sugar
- 3 tbsp Sesame Oil
- 2 cloves garlic, minced
- 2 tsp ginger, minced
- 1 tsp Red pepper flakes
- Chives/ Green Onions for garnish

For the chicken- 
- Rotisserie Thigh and Drumstick
- 2 cloves garlic, crushed
- 1/4 cup honey
- 2 tbsp water
- 1 tbsp soy sauce
- 1 tsp cornstarch


Combine soy sauce, sugar, sesame oil, garlic, ginger and red pepper flakes in a bowl. Whisk to combine and pour over warm noodles. Toss to combine and garnish with green onions

In a bowl, whisk honey, water, soy sauce, garlic and cornstarch in a bowl. Place R.C in saucepan and toss with sauce until the sauce thickens and coats the chicken.

Plate noodles with chicken and enjoy!

Meal #3

Chicken Quesadillas 

You will need:

- 1/2 R.C breast, shredded
- 2 flour tortillas
- 2 tbsp tomatoes, chopped
- 1 tbsp onions, chopped
- 1/4 grated cheese
- Corn and beans are optional
- Hot sauce


On one tortilla, place shredded chicken, tomatoes, onions, desired toppings and top with cheese. Place second tortilla over and grill in a pan until tortillas are brown and cheese is melted.

Serve hot!

Stay tuned for Part 2 for the last two recipes!

Happy Cooking!

*Make sure to click the little "Notify Me" box whenever you do comment so you can see my replies!


  1. I really enjoy these recipes! I'm always dieting and its really boring eating the same thing over and over, now I can eat the same thing with a twist.

    1. Rotisserie is such a great protein for diets. So glad this gave you some ideas :D

  2. Ugh. I really want soup. I usually prefer beef in my soup but that sounds so good.

    1. This would actually be great with minced beef! :D Add a can of beans and some tomato sauce to make it Chili-flavored soup!

  3. Ooh definitely bookmarking these two posts. Need quick, easy options for work

    1. Rotisserie Chicken has saved my life countless times!! So happy you like it :D

  4. Definitely gonna try these recipes! RC is sooo useful, there've been weeks where most of my work lunches are just that with different sides. Definitely gonna pick up tortillas next time I buy RC, I haven't tried making quesadillas before (and I have leftover corn in the fridge!).

    1. So happy you liked them!! RC is 100% a go-to protein for me but it can definitely get a bit boring. Let me know if there are other recipes you come up with :D

  5. I'm definitely putting these on my "must try" list!!!

  6. Holy moly!! I'm hungry now!! 😳


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